Safari rouge 1, Octopus- Version EN
- Format: 175 x 250 x 10 mm
- Nombre de pages: 119 pages
Disponibilité: Indisponible
19,50 €
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2080, the crew of the Octopus spaceship is on its way from Earth to planet Mars. The mission is simple : find out the cause of a major incident that took place at one of the Martian bases. But during their investigation, the passengers of the spaceship uncover a transhumanist organization whose intention is to exploit Mars to fallacious ends. Redirected from their original objective on several occasions, the members of this heteroclite group will have no other choice but to help each other. From space, they must fight against those who solely detain the power to bring them back to Earth... or leave them to their fate.
Pour marquer le tournant d’une décennie d’action, Yves Brumme, conteur et journaliste, relate cette aventure portée par Denis Bernard et y apporte un nouveau regard. Il a rencontré des intervenants et des référents complices, afin de dresser le portrait de cette démarche dans un ouvrage assorti des dessins de Madeleine Tirtiaux et des photos de Patrick Bouré.